In today’s world, the best way to explore and experience different places is by traveling light. That doesn’t mean you should give up all of your favorite comforts. Sometimes it’s worth sacrificing one item, like a shirt, in order to bring along something you know you’ll miss otherwise. And don’t forget about those items that may come in handy during unexpected situations – leaving them behind could lead to regrets. So without further delay, let’s take a closer look at these non-essentials to include during your travel preparations.

Personal Well-being

When packing your toiletries, space can quickly become a problem. One item that is often sacrificed is perfume, due to its size and weight. However, the scent we wear every day is a part of us that should not be left behind when going on vacation. It’s a reminder of leisurely days and should be included in our packing essentials. If you’re able to obtain some sample sizes of your favorite fragrance, it’s even better as it will easily solve the dilemma.

While traveling abroad, a first aid kit may not seem like a crucial item to pack, as many hotels have the necessary medical supplies for minor issues. However, having pain relievers, bandages and antiseptic wipes easily accessible can make a significant difference in case of an emergency. It is also wise to bring them along on any expeditions or adventures while you are there. After all, it’s better to be prepared than caught off guard.


In today’s world, our mobile phone has become our go-to source for entertainment. It can keep us updated on the latest news, connect us with friends and even allow us to watch movies. However, these capabilities are mainly due to its connection to the internet. So, it is important to remember that there may be times when we don’t have access to it, such as during a flight. In those situations, it is helpful to bring along a book or an e-book reader, even though they may take up some space. For music and movies, it is best to download them onto your phone beforehand instead of relying on online streaming. Just remember to ensure that your phone has enough battery life and bring a charger cable with you at all times.

Environmentally Friendly Objects

As you leave the comfort of your home and venture out, don’t forget to continue showing kindness towards Mother Nature. It’s easy for plastic consumption to increase while on the go – water bottles, utensils and shopping bags can quickly accumulate. To help reduce waste, consider bringing a reusable water bottle and utensil set with you during your travels. Yes, it may take up some space in your luggage, but it’s a small sacrifice for the greater good. Also remember to pack a cloth shopping bag for your supermarket trips, so you won’t have to use yet another plastic bag.

Additional Safety

Regardless of your travel destination, safety should always be a top priority. As a tourist, it can be difficult to know the specific dangers of a new city. To ease your mind while sleeping in an unfamiliar place, consider bringing a portable door alarm or door stopper with you. If you’re renting an apartment through an online platform, these extra precautions may help you rest easier. It may also be helpful to carry travel locks for your luggage to deter thieves from targeting your belongings. And for personal protection, remember to bring a compact defense spray that can easily fit in your luggage (just be mindful of airline regulations).

Physical Guides and Maps

Obtaining a guidebook is highly recommended, especially since you may not have constant access to online resources. It is an excellent way to plan for your trip and jot down any notes or reminders inside the book to ensure that you don’t miss out on any desired sites or activities while you’re there. Including a city map would also be beneficial, even if you plan on primarily using an online map during your visit.

As you can tell, it might be a good idea to add a few non-essential items to your luggage. You can decide which ones you think will be most useful or you can bring the ones you simply cannot go without for a few days.


About Maya Steiningerova

Heyo, I’m Maya! An adventure athlete currently living near the Canadian Rockies with my partner in crime Michal. I love running in the mountains, jumping in the ice cold lakes, mountain biking and trying not so common activities, such as mountaineering. By showing that an ordinary person can live an extraordinary life, my hope is to inspire you to live an adventurous life and provide you with tips and tools for your own adventure.

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