Action and adventure photography can be incredibly fun and exciting and offers photographers the chance to catch something truly unique, no matter when you choose to shoot. Here are a few tips to remember to ensure you get the best shot. 

The Right Equipment 

Firstly, you need the right equipment; a quick search across C.R Kennedy Photo Imaging will show you how many choices you have. While there are no set rules as it depends on your style and what you are photographing, there are a few things you definitely need. 

Different lenses, a few tripods, and a camera that can handle rough terrain are all the essentials, while the rest can be up to you. 

Know Your Location

Always make sure you do research on your location before heading out for your shoot. If you are on a schedule, you won’t have all the time in the world to find the best spots, and knowing beforehand will save you a ton of time and effort. 

This is particularly true for action shoots; for example, if you are photographing a mountain biker, know where the most picturesque parts of the trail are, where the best jumps are, fast corners, etc. 

Start Early 

This is a tip that covers just about all types of photography, but it is best to start shooting early and stay until late. No matter how well-prepared you are, there is no guarantee how long it will take to get the best shot. 

You also want to be at the location for the changing light, varying conditions, etc, which can all give a new and different dimension to your photos. 

Understand What You’re Photographing 

This tip applies more to action photography, but it is crucial to have an understanding of the activity or sport you are photographing. This is important as you want to know what the highlights will be, and you’ll be prepared to capture them. 

Once again, using mountain biking as an example, if the rider is able to do a trick off a jump, you want to capture that moment; you need to know which angle to capture it at, what the background will look like, etc. 

Don’t Miss the Unexpected

When you are out and about taking action or adventure photography, you should always be expecting the unexpected. You never know when something is going to happen that can a whole new dimension to your shoot, and you don’t want to miss it. 

This means always have a charged battery ready to go, not having a full memory card, and always being aware of your surroundings and getting the right angles and light. 

Use Angles

Speaking of angles, you should not only utilize them to get the best shot, but to also capture something unique that hasn’t been seen before. Angles are easily one of those aspects of photography that can separate the beginners from the experts. 

Angles are all about practice, as you don’t know what does and doesn’t work until you actually shoot it. If you are a beginner, find an object or scene to photograph; change where you stand; experiment with heights, light, etc. This will give you the best idea of what does and doesn’t make a great photograph. 

Don’t Forget About the Light

Light is another aspect of photography that requires practice and learning. It can change the mood and feel of a photo, but the wrong light can also ruin it. Therefore, it is something that you constantly need to be aware of. 

Once again, the best way to work it out is to practice. Go out at different times of the day, cloudy and clear days, different weather conditions, etc. If you know how the light works, you will be able to capture your subject far better. 

The Background

For both action and adventure photography, don’t ignore your background. While it may not be the focus of the photo, it is still part of the photo, and a poorly chosen background can easily ruin a great photo. 

Always keep your eye on what is behind your subject, and be sure it doesn’t compete with your main subject for attention, but instead enhances it. 

Tell a Story

Lastly, all great photographers know that the secret to a great shoot is to tell a story. Keeping this in mind will not only give your shoot some direction, but will also allow you to take photos that are all connected. 

If you think about a camping trip packed with adventure, you can start by shooting the trail to the site, the first fire, the night sky, etc. Think about it like creating a movie but with still images. 

These are only a few of the best tips, but they are the best place to start if you are just beginning your action and adventure photography journey. You won’t be able to do everything right the first time, but after some practice and getting out and about shooting everything you can, you will quickly gain and skills and knowledge needed to take world-class photographs and create unforgettable memories. 


About Maya Steiningerova

Heyo, I’m Maya! An adventure athlete currently living near the Canadian Rockies with my partner in crime Michal. I love running in the mountains, jumping in the ice cold lakes, mountain biking and trying not so common activities, such as mountaineering. By showing that an ordinary person can live an extraordinary life, my hope is to inspire you to live an adventurous life and provide you with tips and tools for your own adventure.

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